
Category Archives: GENERAL HEALTH


The 28 Day ‘Forget the number campaign’

“I’m working so hard BUT… I’m hardly losing any weight.”

STOP. Did we just take the words out of your mouth? These are the words we hear over and over again. Here’s a little secret. It doesn’t matter and it shouldn’t matter. We are soooo conditioned to measure our progress based on our weight but….. it’s just a number! The problem with focusing on the scales is you quickly become frustrated and disillusioned, then you give up, and then you’re right back at the start looking for a miracle plan once again. In case you hadn’t noticed, we stand for ‘balance’ and long term, sustainable, consistent habit changes. So for February, we’ve got the perfect solution for YOU to ensure you MAINTAIN the healthy changes you have made and start to cement those habits long term… we’re launching a ‘28 day forget the numbers campaign’ and you can follow along with us from home, wherever you are in the world! The ultimate goal of the challenge is for you to reach the end of the month and realize that there are literally hundreds of far bigger reasons to choose a healthier lifestyle than simply the number on the scales. We believe a BIGGER reason will help with long term change. We also know that the numbers on the scale will move slowly if you are embarking on a sustainable health program, and we want you to be ok with this. Forget the 4, 6, or 8 weeks ‘smash yourself’ programs that promise the inches or kgs will fall off. We want sustainable change so you can live a happier life and eventually reach and maintain a healthy weight range. Here’s how you join in on the challenge:


  1. Hide your scales. And if you don’t trust yourself just to throw them in a cupboard, get a family member to hide them for you so you literally will not be able to fold and pull them out to weigh yourself at any point in February.
  2. Do NOT weigh yourself at all during the month of February.
  3. Continue on your current healthier lifestyle; the one you promised you would work on in January. If you want more structure or guidance around living a healthier life then check out our online course Back 2 Basics. You could EASILY follow the Back 2 Basics protocol in conjunction with this challenge for February and beyond!
  4. Follow along on social media with us for daily tips and updates and actively ponder what we post. 
  5. Delete any social media accounts that promote unrealistic weight-loss OR that make you feel insufficient in any way. In a similar way, be mindful of who you spend time with over the next month (and beyond). Ensure they are people who lift you up and not pull you down. 
  6. Share this with a friend so you have an accountability buddy (optional).


We’d love to hear what you think of our 28 days ‘forget the number challenge’ and especially would love to hear from you at the end! We’ll be here with you so feel free to engage on social media or reach out if you need a consultation. 


All the best for a GREAT month sans the scales. 

Categories GENERAL HEALTH, Uncategorized

If you fail to plan…. You plan to fail.

EVERYTHING worthwhile in life requires a plan. And, there is nothing more worthwhile in life than your health! After all… not much in life is actually possible without your health! 

When it comes to food… we believe having a plan is essential. In fact, we are so passionate about food planning and being organised in the kitchen generally, that we argue it should be a skill taught to young teenagers in school.  

There is NO single more important habit to get into for your health than planning your week ahead from a meals perspective. This habit will set you up for success for life.

We TEACH you how too food plan on the Back 2 Basics Program. So if this concept is foreign or overwhelming, jump on the course. After 3 months, it will be as habitual to you as having your morning cup of coffee. To food plan, we recommend each week moving forward, you set aside 5–10 minutes to plan your own (and preferably your family’s) meals and write a shopping list. This will:

  • Save you a tonne of money as you won’t buy unnecessary ingredients you don’t need
  • Yes take a little time initially but save you time mid-week when things are crazy
  • Mean you are less inclined to give up mid week and order take away… you’ve already got a plan for dinner!
  • Encourage you to eat healthy food… provided healthy food is what’s on your plan! 
  • Ensure you are never stuck pondering the question, “What the heck am I going to cook tonight?” (which is a slippery slope to Uber Eats!)

Meal planning also helps to minimise waste. Each week, you should find that you are emptying out your fridge of all the fresh produce you purchased at the beginning of the week. Staples like spices, dried herbs and even some cheeses can be purchased in bulk, so you only have to shop for these items every couple of weeks. The rest of your food will be fresh perishables, preferably from places like the greengrocer, farmer’s market and butchers, as opposed to big supermarket chains.

There are lots of different ways to meal plan, and how you meal plan will depend on you. Perhaps you’ll simply make notes in your phone or write it out on a scrap of paper each week then pop it on the fridge. Or, you might prefer to use our Meal Planning Template which is a downloadable PDF available to those doing the Back 2 Basics course. 

Remember: Don’t over complicate it! Your meal plan doesn’t have to be detailed to a tee if that doesn’t work for you. Find a system that works for you, and stick to it. 

What are you waiting for? Get planning!

Categories GENERAL HEALTH, Uncategorized

Let’s redefine ‘normal’

This could possibly be the most important blog we’ve written here at The Balanced Nutritionist. 


It’s a conversation that the entire world needs to hear.


It’s about how we define ‘normal’ these days. And you know we love to keep things positive so we are sorry if this comes across quite ‘firm’ but its critically important. 


What do we mean by ‘normal?’ 


Well, what do we define as ‘normal’ when it comes to:

  • The way we feel each day in terms of our overall vitality and wellbeing
  • What we think is ‘normal’ food to feed to our physical bodies
  • What we think is ‘normal’ in terms of how we move our bodies, what movement we are capable of, and how much movement we should be doing
  • What we think is ‘normal’ in terms of how we speak to and treat ourselves. 
  •  What we think is ‘normal’ in terms of the pace at which we live and the degree of ‘presence’ that we actually experience. 


What is ‘Normal…’ these days? 


You see…. We think it’s a little bit alarming what ‘normal’ is becoming these days because it is in direct conflict with a lifetime of health and happiness. Let’s consider all of the above aspects and what the majority of society seems to consider is ‘normal’ in relation to each one:

  • Many, many people don’t feel vital, energetic, or well most days. Instead, they feel tired, sluggish, bloated, heavy, and disconnected from their own bodies.
  • Many people now just ‘accept’ that ‘food’ comes from packets purchased deep inside the aisles of a supermarket. Or often from a drive-thru. The future of kitchens could possibly be… a microwave. Only! And whilst we believe in balance and the mindful enjoyment of occasional treats…. Chips, chocolate bars, and junk food generally do not have a place in anyone’s diet on a daily basis… in particular, these foods do not belong in the lunchboxes of our little ones – they have always been and should remain ‘occasional treats’ amongst a mostly wholefood intake.  
  • Many people take out gym memberships for a few months here and there… maybe train for an event with some friends for a little while… but then go months in between doing very little. In actual fact, moving is normal. Humans are just like other animals. We should be moving regularly. We should be able to move with ease. We should be moving daily – even if it’s not strenuous. Take the stairs, go out and get some fresh air at lunchtime, stretch your body, and engage in deliberate exercise you enjoy. Moving is normal. Aches, pains, creaks, huffing, and puffing… is not
  • It’s not normal to talk to ourselves in a nasty way… call ourselves fat, or lazy or other mean, horrible names. It should be normal to treat yourself well and learn to love your own company. If you want others to love hanging out with you, then you should love hanging out with you!
  • Finally, it’s not normal to go through life at a million miles per hour. Constantly stressed, constantly haggled… wearing busy like a badge and never being fully present. This leads to burnout. And who wants to live a life… that they can’t even participate in? If this point in particular resonates with you, we recommend you check out the book ‘meditation and mindfulness’ by Andy Puddicome. 


We encourage you to Consider Normal as:

Sluggish, tired, flat Energetic, vital, well
Food from packages   Food from nature; wholefoods
Exercising because you have to Move because you were born too and it’s a gift
Self hate, self doubt Loving yourself and being kind to you.
Living on autopilot at 1000 miles/hr Living in the present.


But What does this have to do with Food? 


So you might be wondering why we brought up this topic when some of it is not entirely about food? Because if you know us even a little, you’ll know that we believe health is the whole package. We don’t just focus on food… we also want you to consider your lifestyle, your mindset, your stress levels, your relationship with self, your relationship with food… these are all tied in together. To influence your health and happiness. Intermingled… you wouldn’t have one without the other. When you nourish your body with good food… you will want to nourish your body with positive thoughts, speak nicely to yourself, enjoy physical challenges. And you will want to live in the present, saying no to people and occasions that don’t serve you, rest when you need to, be present in your wonderful life and be productive without being ridiculously busy. 


Think about how you define normal.. Or what you accept as normal. Could you raise the bar? Start a ripple effect and create a new normal. 

Categories GENERAL HEALTH, Uncategorized

What is ‘Mindful Enjoyment’ and why are we passionate about it?

Here at the Balanced Nutritionist and throughout our online Back 2 Basics course, we encourage you to consider an 85/15 approach to health. I.e. 85% of the time we do believe in eating really good, wholesome healthy foods, moving a reasonable amount, getting enough sleep etc. But the other 15% allows for some relaxation. We believe you should be able to enjoy an ice cream in the movies from time to time, have a pizza with some friends or sit in front of Netflix and share a bowl of popcorn…. Guilt-free too. This is where ‘mindful enjoyment’ comes in.   

Mindful enjoyment means that you are able to wholeheartedly enjoy the ‘15%’ which is when you don’t eat the ideal foods for you and you include more occasional foods.

‘Enjoying’ means:

NOT feeling ‘guilty’ because you are doing something indulgent

NOT feeling anxious or stressed whilst OR after you do enjoy something indulgent

Consciously choosing to indulge in something outside of your typical foods because you can and because you feel like it. 

NOT ‘overdoing’ things when you are eating more indulgent foods. I.e. you should always choose consciously, eat these foods slowly so you can savour them and stop before they make you feel ill.

Question…. What’s the point of scoffing a whole tub of ice cream only to finish and realise you’ve eaten it so fast you didn’t enjoy it AND you now feel ill? Wouldn’t you be better off enjoying a small bowl of ice cream slowly, tasting each mouthful, and then stopping before it makes you feel sick? 

If the following things are happening then you are NOT experiencing mindful enjoyment and there may be some stress and anxiety to resolve when it comes to food… 

Eating sugary or junky food because you are really stressed out (i.e. instead of choosing to do this consciously it’s a knee-jerk reaction to stress and overwhelm).

Eating occasional foods extremely fast and in big quantities to the point where you feel quite ill… and may not even remember making the decision to start eating them in the first place!

Feeling extremely guilty for having even the smallest amount of indulgent food.

Feeling guilty after indulging and turning to vigorous exercise, or very strict restrictions in the days that follow…. E.g. starving yourself, or eating nothing but vegetables, or deciding you need to rapidly detox because you were ‘so bad.’ (which you weren’t of course… you were human!).  

Food should not cause stress or anxiety like this. Here are some tips that may help you begin to experience more mindful enjoyment and less guilt. Please be mindful that we are not mental health professionals and you may need to consult with a counselor or psychologist if you continue to feel very overwhelmed when it comes to food.

10 Tips to Help you achieve Mindful Enjoyment

  1. Always remember that what we do occasionally does not matter. It’s what we do most of the time that counts. 
  2. Always remember that food is a celebration. Indulgent food can bring family and friends together and be part of important milestones in life to be enjoyed. Not feared. 
  3. Always remember that you will not undo everything because of 1 or 2 bad meals!
  4. Try to take control of negative thoughts in your head if you are experiencing negative self-talk during indulgences. Turn any of these internal conversations into positive thoughts / positive affirmations instead. Use phrases that work for you. 
  5. If you turn to food when you are stressed, try to actively find other ways to manage stress. This may include listening to meditations, going outside and taking 5 big deep breaths, hugging your dog, journaling, or going for a walk around the block. It may even mean bigger changes like…. Speaking to your boss about your workload OR even checking in and making sure that areas of your life LIKE your work ARE truly fulfilling?
  6. When eating indulgent foods (actually all foods in general), chew slowly, enjoy the texture and the flavours of the food, put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls, and don’t rush. Stop when you have had enough… not when you feel sick or are completely pogged. 
  7. Always remember that occasional foods will always be there. You don’t have to eat the entire pizza in 1 hit…. Thinking you will never eat pizza again! Pizza will be there next time if you feel like it 🙂 
  8. Always drink plenty of water. 
  9. Try not to think of food as ‘good’ and ‘bad.’ 
  10. If you are experiencing cravings often for sugary or salty foods then take a look at your overall diet. Are you enjoying some carbohydrates each day? Some fresh fruits? Are you having a bit of protein with all of your meals, particularly breakfast? Is there plenty of healthy fats in there? Are you hydrated? Are you exercising more than you used to and perhaps need more food? (refer to lesson 7 in this case). If you need more help fine-tuning things then book in to see us. 

We spend an entire lesson going through the concept of Mindful enjoyment in our Back 2 Basics online course… maybe we’re not available to new clients right now, or maybe you’re not ready to see someone face to face? That’s ok… the Back 2 Basics online course will guide you towards a healthy, happy lifestyle over the next few months from the comfort and safety of your own home. 

Our relationship with food is just as important as the food we eat. Work on mindful enjoyment… if you can’t mindfully enjoy treats you will forever be in a cycle of punishment and guilt. Be happy. Be healthy. And embrace mindful enjoyment.

Katie and Nicole are still on maternity leave, but we prepared these resources in advance and we hope you find them helpful. For updates on return dates etc. you can check the maternity updates page here.

While we are waiting for the official date as to when Katie will be back for consults, feel free to call or email us so we can put you up on the waitlist to be contacted when Katie opens up her schedule. Our current list is constantly growing and we would highly suggest you put your name on the list so we can prioritize you. You can call our office number (07) 3063 2710 or you can email Michelle at appointments@thebalancednutritionist.com.au (she is available between 8 am-4 pm Brisbane time). You can definitely leave a voicemail and she will get back to you as soon as she is available.

Have a lovely day folks!- Katie 🙂

Categories GENERAL HEALTH, Uncategorized

Please welcome… the newest additions to the TBN team!

We are soooo excited to announce the healthy arrival of both of our babies! Just in case  you missed the updates on social media, here’s a little bit about Eliza and Layla below :).

Hi everyone! My name is Eliza Summer KingEliza because mum and dad love it. Summer as it’s a family name on Dad’s side… plus sunshine is sooo beautiful, I love it on the outside.

Mum had already had enough time off and big bro Karma was getting all the limelight. So on Friday the 7th of August I broke my waters when those 2 were out walking. I was born at 1:35am Sat 8th of the 8th (8 days early!). Strong as the lion I am (Leo). 3.6kg! People thought I’d be tiny but I’m strong thanks to all the good food mumma gave me on the inside!

So far I love being wrapped up like a burrito, love dad’s chest, milkshakes, any cuddles, little licks on my toes from my bro, sleeping and bath time…. and did I already mention mums milkshakes? I eat exactly like her… lots, enthusiastically and quite fast.

From Katie and Carl: the love and wishes we had through pregnancy and beyond were just so touching and we thank you in advance for these continuing thoughts.

Now please meet my roomie. 😎👶.

Hello everyone! My name is Layla Rose. I kept mum and dad (Nicole and Greg) waiting a bit longer than expected but when I was ready I was ready! I could not let Eliza, my roomie from baby land, take all the limelight 😂. I arrived on August 11. I have Mum and Dad wrapped around my finger, they are beyond smitten. Big fur bro Billy…. well he’s not so cool on sharing the attention yet but I’ll win him too. Mum is going really well. Thanks in advance for all your well wishes now and those you sent us when I was still on the inside. Bye for now 😘

We know that it may take time before we get back to business but in the meantime
Please remember to check out maternity leave updates page to stay up to date on when we may be back

While we are away you can get on our WAITING LIST!

If you are REALLY keen to see us when we return, you can phone our bookings manager / administration whizz Michelle on (07) 3063 2710. OR you can email her on appointments@thebalancednutritionist.com.au and request to be added to our waiting list.

Note: Upon our return, existing clients requiring follow up appointments and those on the waiting list will be given first preference for available appointments. Please make sure you read ‘what to expect‘ for a list of our fees/private health rebates etc prior to contacting Michelle; so you are in the know. A deposit is NOT required to go on the waiting list but WHEN you are contacted for an appointment then you WILL be required to pay the 40% booking deposit to secure your spot.

Note: to go on the waiting list, you will need to provide your full name, email address, and a contact number, as well as a few sentences, summing up what you would like our assistance with.

Our Blogs and Social Media

Both will remain ACTIVE. You can continue to access our latest blogs here and catch up on all our past ones as well. You can also follow along on Facebook and Instagram. Our social media is a balance of education, ‘realism,’ food ideas, dog spam, baby spam (once they are born), and fun! We also have our online course available, Back 2 Basics… find out more here!

Well, that is all we can assist you within our absence from the clinic. Again, Michelle, our bookings manager is just a phone call or email away ((07) 3063 2710/ appointments@thebalancednutritionist.com.au) if we haven’t answered a query here…. Note: our own email addresses will be unattended during our leave.

We hope you are safe, healthy, and well now and always. And we look forward to catching up / meeting you upon our return.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our existing clients for their well wishes, love, patience, and consideration during this special time in our lives.

Cheers to lifelong health and happiness for the adults and the bubs and every age in between!

Katie, Nicole, and Michelle. 


How to Maintain a Healthy Weight

We spend a lot of time talking about dieting. And reaching a healthy weight. Or reaching health in general. But the fact is, that’s only the start. Once you reach it, you need to maintain it. And unfortunately, many people do not. Hence the dieting industry can be quite a lucrative business as people go from one diet to the next as they lose and then find the weight they once lost.

Here at the Balanced Nutritionist, we don’t want to help you find health and happiness for a short while…. we would like you to leave us knowing you have the skills to hold onto these gifts for life! Want to know the secret to maintain a healthy weight? It is all about habits and mindset. We are so passionate about this topic that we covered it off in a recent podcast on The Nourished Wrap; you can listen in here.
Anyhow, this little blog is a synopsis of the podcast, covering 10 key tips for how to maintain a healthy weight. 
If you are at the start of a health journey then begin with the end in mind and consider these tips from the very beginning. If you’ve reached your goal, then these tips will help you maintain your new-found health and happiness.

10 Key Tips to help you Maintain a Healthy Weight (and maintain health overall)

1. Do not think about this as the ‘end’ of your health journey and certainly do not think about when you can ‘go back to how things were before.‘ Health is a lifelong journey. To be healthy is a serious decision you make every minute of every day. You choose to live in line with the value of health. There is no ‘going back to how things were’ because those habits did not serve you well remember? You need to decide that the changes you have made are going to stay with you (mostly) for life.
2. Perfection is not possible. Consistency is what matters. You may have read tip 1 and thought ‘oh gee I have to be this perfect forever!?” No. Life is about balance. Its what you do MOST of the time. NOT the occasional treats and moments you fall off the wagon. You WILL fall off the wagon. Just like a puppy dog walking along a footpath – there will be exciting smells that drag them into the bushes. For you, there will be birthdays and weddings and family and friends and days or even weeks of stress when TV dinners and takeaways are more frequent. That’s ok. Move on. Forgive yourself. Pick yourself back up. And get back on the wagon when you can.
3. Your health is your responsibility. It is easy to say that you do not have time. Our work is making exercise impossible. Or it’s too cold or too dark or healthy is too expensive. Ultimately…. we are all responsible for making it happen. If it’s important enough… you will find a way. Some of the busiest, most successful people in the world are the healthiest and fittest as well.. and that takes time. We all have the same amount of time in the day. Live according to your values and if health and happiness are one of those – then live in line with that.
4. Self-monitor and self-correct. If you want to remain healthy and happy for life, you need to self-monitor. Check-in with you – are you still feeling good? Well? Are your clothes getting a bit tight? Are you going to weigh yourself once a month to check that you are looking after yourself? Or do you just go by feel? Do you have a loved one, a partner, a friend, an exercise buddy… that you can talk to and unload and admit when you’ve let things slide again, but that you are prepared to get back into things. My husband and I keep each other accountable to little things like our exercise, not going overboard with our love for a glass of wine and eating well…. because its important to both of us. It doesn’t mean we don’t have days off or nights when we may enjoy a couple of glasses… but I know I can tell him if I feel like I am overdoing it and vice versa. And then we can check-in and make sure we course correct. If you don’t know someone you can have this kind of relationship with then maybe seeing your nutritionist or health professional for regular check-in visits ongoing is worth it?
5. Consider changing your environment. If you have a whole bunch of friends who love eating greasy food often, drinking lots and don’t support you to make better decisions most of the time…. you may want to spend a little less time with them. You also want to make sure that the family is on board as well and that everyone else in the household isn’t eating take away in front of the TV every night! Surround yourself with others that have the same healthy values as you. Consider new activities to do with your friends if needed; like day hikes, or coffee in the park in the sunshine instead of less toxic activities. Or consider a gym, walking group, or similar where others are committed to their health and enjoying it as well!
6. It’s not just about the numbers. Health is a feeling. It’s not a number on the scales. Use weight if you like to monitor… but don’t ‘give up’ because that number isn’t the one you want. Consider how good you FEEL. THAT is SO MUCH MORE special than ‘your number.’
7. Get Support if needed ALWAYS. Sort of like point 4 and point 5….. no harm in investing in ongoing support. Like… you may want to have a follow-up appointment with your nutritionist or health professional every 3-6 months to make sure you are on track? Or perhaps you want to see someone more regularly as a trainer every week. Why not invest a little more often? The cost of letting everything go and then starting again from the beginning is far higher! Financially, emotionally, physically, and mentally!
8. Be organised with your time, it’s worth it! Sorry. But healthy is not always convenient. You need to have a food plan. Shop for fresh food fairly often. Spend a bit of time preparing it. Spend time moving. Monitor your work/life balance. Sleep well. etc. BUT... how much time will it cost you IF you do NOT do these things? If you were sick, sluggish, tired, exhausted all the time? A LOT. That is a FACT. So it is worth it. It is soooo worth it!
9. Accept how far you have come and be proud and grateful. Does not matter if you’ve only lost 5kg and you need to lose 60kg. It matters not where you are on the journey… just that you are on the journey! If you just keep focusing on the end and choose only to be proud and happy then… you will be disappointed when you get there. Celebrate all of the little changes you make. It’s not a race. It’s a lifelong journey.
10. Inspire others. Now that you are healthy and happy, you don’t need to ‘lecture’ others but set an example for your children and other little ones in your life, your neighbours, the people at your work who may be feeling a bit rotten. If you can be healthy and happy so can they. And a society full of happy and healthy adults and children would be a really positive, productive, and wonderful one wouldn’t it?

Don’t forget to listen to our podcast on this one too!

Cheers to lifelong health and happiness!
Katie King

Realistic Nutritionists LOVE pizza, cheese, and chocolate…..

This is not a joke! Nutritionists, or at least us realistic nutritionists here at The Balanced Nutritionist, love pizza, cheese, and chocolate…. among other things you may think are ‘not nutritionist-approved.’

The 85/15 rule

You see, life is for living and it’s what you do most of the time that matters. Life’s little indulgences are to be enjoyed… mindfully… in amounts that don’t make you feel ill or guilty but still allow the tastebuds a tantalizing experience.

The All or Nothing Approach does not work

The ‘all or nothing’ approach is the alternative. And this fails the ‘long term’ test. All or nothing results in periods of being insanely strict, therefore feeling deprived, often hungry, miserable, and unhappy. A period of ‘nothing’ inevitably follows where one gives up on their nutrition altogether, eats whatever they want, enters a cycle of extreme guilt, feels sick and miserable and eventually ends up back in the ‘all’ stage which is miserable for other reasons! That’s why we as realistic nutritionists believe in balance. You should also refer to our Food Philosophy.

You might be surprised that…
-We often don’t talk about food during consults. We often talk about thoughts, feelings, and emotions associated with food…
We don’t ask you to do scary things like totally give up blue cheese and champagne (that’s called pregnancy and thankfully there’s light at the end of the tunnel, we will cheese and wine again! 🙂
-We don’t judge you. Ever.
-We want to know what YOUR goals are. And then we’ll guide you to get there.

If you’re looking for support from realistic, and human nutritionists to regain health and happiness… particularly post lockdown, we are operating 6 days a week, by Skype/zoom and phone for new clients. Book online or phone(07) 3063 2710.Oh also… are you stuck for healthy, fast, fresh recipes right now? Request a copy of our eBook developed during lockdown! send us an email at appointments@thebalancednutritionist.com.au subject line ‘ebook please.’


If you enjoyed this blog, you will love our latest podcasts around realistic weight loss and mindset for maintenance.

Thanks, folks! Stay safe and well.

Katie, Nicole, Michelle, Karma, and Billie.


Tips for staying healthy whilst working from home

On the weekend, we provided comments for an article in the Courier-Mail, on this very topic ‘staying healthy whilst working from home’. Since your working environment may have changed dramatically recently, here are some tips for staying healthy despite the change to routine:

  1. If you’re used to packing a healthy lunch each day continue to do this every morning before you actually start work. If you don’t prepare something healthy in advance, you’ll go to the fridge mindlessly at lunchtime and be more inclined to choose something less healthy… or even Uber eats instead!
  2. Keep a large glass of water at your desk and continually sip throughout the day. Topping up gives you a chance to stretch your legs, gets the blood pumping and gives you a moment to refocus. If you don’t stay hydrated you may mistake hunger for thirst. Plus you’ll feel lethargic and might even get a headache.
  3. If you’re in an exercise pattern already, keep it the same! Don’t promise yourself you will ‘just do it later’ because chances are you won’t. Slot it in as normal. And if it’s not part of your routine, then with all the extra time you have minus commuting… Why not make it a habit from now?
  4. Stock on up fresh veggies to use as a base for salads or lunchtime wraps and fruit for snacking. There are amply supplies of fresh products at your local fruit and veg markets. It’s the supermarkets that have been cleaned out. Support the little guys. And stocking up on pasta and confectionery has no benefits right now or ever for that matter. 
  5. As the weather cools, consider popping something rich in nutrients into a slow cooker first thing in the morning. It will be ready in time for lunch. vegetable-rich dishes with either pulses or some form of meat protein are a great, healthy and filling option. Keep an eye on our Facebook page as we will be sharing heaps of recipe ideas over the coming weeks. 
  6. Actually, eat proper meals. If you get into the habit of skipping lunch altogether, you will be hungry and you’ll go for quick snack foods high in sugar continuously for fast pick me ups and you’ll only come crashing down again. 

From personal experience (keeping it real as always) the hardest part about working from home is avoiding mindless eating as a result of procrastination. To avoid this, it’s best to make sure you don’t have temptations lying around – like chocolates, chips, and biscuits. Apps that boost productivity are really handy as well. For example, the Pomodoro app is a free download on your computer that encourages you to focus for 25 minutes at a time and then allows you a 5-minute break. Psychologically it works! It’s like having a robot boss on your computer keeping you accountable to your work and stopping you from mindlessly walking to the kitchen!

We hope that helps. If it’s business as usual for you (but from home instead) and you’d like to seize this opportunity to work on your general health, reach out and book an appointment here – we are still operating by Skype / in clinic 6 days a week.


Updates regarding appointments during the Coronavirus period- as of March 20, 2020

Hi everyone,

We hope that you and your families are safe and well during this unprecedented time that we are all facing right now.
We wanted to assure you that we are here to help support you as best as we can. This is our first mass communication in relation to Coronavirus; essentially because there has been so much information from everywhere at all angles, I (Katie) felt it better to hold off and communicate more personally to each of you as your appointments arose. However, the time has come to put out some assurances and options for you moving forward regarding any upcoming appointments you may have with me or Nicole here at The Balanced Nutritionist:
  • Firstly, Nicole will only be seeing her clients via Skype, Zoom or phone effective from now until the foreseeable future. If you are a client of Nicole’s, but you’d prefer to see someone face to face, I can take over your care for now. Otherwise, Nicole can still care for you just as effectively by any of these methods and you won’t even have to leave the comfort of your lounge room.
  • I will continue to provide consults in clinic OR by Skype / Zoom/phone depending on your preference. There is mass communication already circulating in relation to best practice when it comes to face to face interactions; I won’t add to this as I trust that we have had this drilled into us from all angles.
  • Roughly 40% of our current client base is from other states including Victoria, NSW, WA and even NZ. So please rest assured; we are well set up and experienced at providing our consulting services via Skype / Zoom or phone and assure you that the effectiveness of treatment will not be compromised.
  • Should you wish to move your upcoming appointment to Skype / Zoom or phone, you can either phone ((07) 3063 2710) or email us (hit reply) now OR inform Michelle when she contacts you for confirmation. Confirmations will be done 4 days in advance from this point forward to allow for scheduling changes etc.
  • We are able to post orders for supplements via express postal services should you prefer an online appointment or simply need to restock and don’t want to call into the clinic.
  • On a final note, if you are experiencing financial hardship due to a sudden change in employment or similar, BUT you really require our services please reach out so we can see what we can offer you during these times.
A few general words from a professional, nutritional perspective…..
Over the last few weeks, I’ve witnessed some fantastic ideas relating to health and natural immunity support, from fellow colleagues being communicated via social media etc. Sometimes, this sort of advice gets shut down very quickly and dismissed as quackery. None of these colleagues (or us here for that matter) are laying claim to being able to cure viruses or anything outrageous like that. I believe the message is simply… if you have the capacity to continue working on your overall health, then you should continue to do so during this time. By strengthening our overall wellbeing, we will help our own immune systems, reducing our risk of contracting viruses in the first place (and colds – it is the season for it). Furthermore, if faced with an unfortunate diagnosis, if we are as ‘generally healthy’ as can be, it’s likely we will suffer less severely. So for this reason, we do encourage you to continue eating well, staying well hydrated (water that is) and moving where you can. This will also contribute to better mental health during these periods of increased self-isolation. Overall, we offer the following tips:
  • Local fruit and vegetable stores and even IGAs seem to be really well stocked with beautiful fresh produce as do local butchers. I can personally vouch for Lorenti’s fruit market, Greenslopes IGA, and England and Allsop Butcher Coorparoo. The supermarkets are being wiped clean so support these little guys; less crowded and better quality, fresh food. This is the food that will support you right now; not the pasta and confectionery being wiped out of the bigger stores.
  • Please drink your 2L (minimum) of pure water daily. Please. Even though it is getting cooler, you still need it!
  • Fresh air helps. Even if it’s just from your own backyard. I’ve upped the length of my dog walks to well over an hour a day to enjoy the sunshine, capture some vitamin D and keep moving generally. If gyms are forced to close you can continue with bodyweight strength exercises and even yoga/pilates via computer apps from home.
  • You can generally support your immune system naturally with nutrients like vitamin C, zinc and even some herbal products. Please ask for individual advice at your next consult. We will be suggesting immune support to all our clients at the end of consultations from this point forward; as a professional duty of care. Note that some herbs are contraindicated in certain health conditions and immune support for pregnancy is particularly specialized so do ask. No, these products won’t cure Coronavirus – but they could reduce your susceptibility to catching things in the first place.
Finally, I buy toilet paper in bulk yearly from Who Gives a Crap, an awesome organization if you don’t know them – check them out! Anyhow, I have about 60 rolls in the clinic so should you find yourself low on supplies, just ask and I’ll give you a roll or 2:).
That’s all we have for now folks. Things are changing rapidly though, therefore some of this information may change by the time you read this, but we shall do our best to keep you informed.
Take care of yourself and others.

Lifelong health starts with small, consistent change.

Many people in our industry are focusing on ‘sensationalized’ results. Let’s face it – the idea of a quick, easy, instant fix is far more enticing than the thought of slow, gradual change, right? But the truth is, as we repeatedly say, there is no magic pill or potion. Lifelong health is the sum of healthy habits you develop repeatedly over time and do consistently.

Why lifelong health? Aren’t you getting a bit sick of following the latest craze? Or getting confused about this week’s article on what’s good for you according to the newspaper? Or riding the merry go round of self sabotage every time you ‘break’ your diet, so you may as well give up all together?

Our specialty is working with people to develop these habits so that they can walk away and continue with lifelong health… instead of seeing the next Nutritionist in a year’s time.

The good news is though, that to achieve lifelong health, it’s what we do 85% of the time that counts. The other 15% is called wine and cheese. 85% of the time, we want GOOD habits. Start with making small changes to your habits… because it will add up to a really big change overall, eventually. The other 15% is  Christmas, birthdays, work stuff that got in the way and life generally. 

So in order to feel great inside and out, you do not have to be perfect every single day. The reality is…. None of us will be perfect day in, day out. 

You need to understand and accept this…. Otherwise, every time you are ‘not perfect’ you’ll just self sabotage and give up on everything all together! 

Does this sound familiar? 

A few weeks back on Facebook we  shared some totally outrageous ‘small changes’ we recommend you make daily…. Did you catch them? They’re simpler than you may think….Here are our top 5 habits to start working on daily in order to get on your way towards lifelong health. 

  1. Drink Water. Daily. At least 2L. 
  2. Move More than you are right now. Daily.
  3. Sleep well. And if you aren’t get some help on this. Its critical.
  4. Eat your veggies. Like life depends on it.
  5. Ditch the white stuff (that’s sugar… not potatoes).

Do you think you could work on these 5 daily habits consistently until they become… habits? It would be a huge step towards lifelong health. Book a consultation if accountability and further guidance is what you need.